Hi guys, I'm back once again to haunt your cyber life! I'm gonna start with some words, and then some crazy semi-explicit pictures that should only be viewed by mature audiences! It's not porn, you perve!
Soo...my last three days have been quite exhausting. My practical classes were craazzeee...and when I say craazeee...I mean it! I haven't done particularly well in my previous 2 classes...but I'm just glad that it's over for the week. I don't wanna go into details...coz I'm pretty bummed out at the moment that I'm starting to doubt my capabilities as a chef. Ahh what the heck...it's never gonna be an easy journey, that's fer sure.
OKAY...change of topic. Last Saturday, I got so frickin' drunk that I don't even recognize my mom anymore. Ahh...I don't even recognize her when I'm not drunk. BAD ANALOGY! Anyway...it was my manager's bachelor cum bachelorette party. The reason why it's "cummed" is becoz both occasions were celebrated together as a whole. Here are some pictures of me and my crazy ass colleagues.
Lemme just start with something milder...that's me in my work uniform, with two bottles of pineapple juice from the room service fridge. I was bringing pineapple juice into one of the bedrooms. And yes...I committed "theft" and broke a rule that can get myself fired from the job...and this photo is clear evidence! Yea yea...Anyone who wants to rat me out can use this picture against me...or they can simply use it as leverage against me. Damn it....It's just pineapple juice for shit's sake.
This is me and Cheryll in the picture. She's Filipino and she's one of my room service mates. We're pretty tight at work...and damn it...she was so drunk that night that she tipped over my pineapple juice for no reason, and laughed by herself. FACT: "It wasn't even funny!"
This is a little group photo of my colleagues and I. From the top left, it's Margarita and Vilisi. Middle left to right, Edward, Kim, Raghu and Cindy who is one of my managers. And there's Cheryll and I at the bottom. Margarita, Vilisi and Cheryll are from room service and Kim is a chef. Edward and Raghu are the restaurant staff.
Now, to the juicier pictures. That's me with the ever famous LOBSTER FACE when I'm drunk. I was pretty hammered that night even though I had only a couple of beers. Usually two beers is nothin' for me. But I guess I was really exhausted that night after a busy service.
Another picture of my lobster face!
Introducing the craziest guy in the party....JURO LUSTIG!! Yes Yes...it's a dildo down his throat!! And no no...he ain't gay! Juro was just crazy ass drunk man. I bet he couldn't forgive himself for shoving that dildo down his throat after he got sober! Lolz! I wonder is that how they party at Slovakia? He's from there.
That's a picture of me and Juro dancing together. He was just dancing with ALL the gurls throughout the night. ALL of the gurls....ALL AT ONCE!! And the gurls were just crazy 'bout him....except me of course. I'm never crazy 'bout anybody...except for Kiefer Sutherland and Gordon Ramsay! REPHRASE...I'm never crazy 'bout anybody that is actually "real" in my life!
Those two were actually the "main casts" of the night, RAJA and SELINA...but I guess Juro stole all their thunder! Haha! Actually I kinda felt bad for them...coz Raja was constantly telling us to "shush" coz we were making too much noise in the rooms. And someone from the party got so drunk and had to work the next morning...he called in sick and Raja had to arrange for another staff to work the shift. Btw, their both Malaysians. Raja is from Perak and Selina is from Sarawak! She's like cino-Iban. Obviously Raja is Indian.
This is a picture of Raja wearing the "G-string" that has a donkey face on the crotch! Part of the money that we chipped in for his gift was dedicated to that G-string. I thought it was a waste of money.
Now this is a picture of me and Shristi. Shristi is from Nepal and she's also one of my pretty tight mates from work. She's also Raja's housemate. I was so drunk that I could't drive home...so I crashed at her place that night.
These are the guys from work! From the left, it's Brandon...he's an ex-employee of stamford, but he's still pretty tight with us. Then it's Cindy, one of my managers, Tim and Edward. OMG...u had no idea how drunk Brandon was. He claimed to have a whole bottle of Vodka by himself. Anyway, when the party ended, Shristi, Brandon and I were wandering around outside the hotel. Then Brandon said, "I'll walk the two of u home!" And then I said, "OKAY!" Then halfway crossing the road, I had the urge to lie on the road. I asked Brandon, "Do u feel like lying on the road? Lie down with me!" He said, "No Veron...it's dangerous! Don't do it!" Then I was like, "Really???!! And I just fell on the road and lied there for like 10 seconds! It was one of the busiest roads in Sydney...it's on the way to the airport!! WUakakak! And I was like, "See...it's not that dangerous! You should've lied down wit me!" Brandon and Shristi were just laughing at me! And though he was drunk, he wasn't actually that crazy to have lied down on the road wit me. I was actually sobering up at that time...but I guess it's just my craziness that kicked in!
That's Tim and Kim! I love to say their names together! TIM AND KIM...TIM AND KIM...TIM AND KIM!!! Nice! And lookie there....guess who's the third wheel at the back?! Hehe!
Spot Veron in this picture!!! (Hint: Look for the foot!)
Just a picture of Cindy, me and Shristi! I dunno why my eyes are squinted! I guess it's the flash! U know how drunk ppl hate flashin' lights!I still have lots of pictures...but I'm just too lazy to upload them! But I guess it's enough for your entertainment today! hehe! Wanna know a secret?? I wasn't actually drunk at the party, although everyone thought that I was. They assumed that I was drunk just becoz I was really crazy that night. They don't actually know that I'm actually a natural crazy person, hence that nickname I got from Teacher Dee Dee in primary school...."CRAZY GURL." I just needed a little alcohol to kick start my craziness! I guess my workmates don't know me very well. I mean dude...it was just 2 beers! Veron drunk from 2 beers?? Ya wish!!!
Alright kiddos! I'll see ya next time! Hope u enjoyed the pictures! Have a good one! Cheers!
p/s: I got so into The Eagles and Bon Jovi since the past few days! They are frickin' awesome!!
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