Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Signature "3 Finger-up" Pose


Well....I DO!!!

This thought just came to me all of a sudden when I realized that I always put up that distinct hand pose whenever I'm in a picture. That "3 finger-up" hand pose...thumb, index and pinky. The so called "I love you" hand sign. But trust me...I don't mean that at all!! I just happen to put up that hand gesture everytime someone snaps a photo of me.

Here it goes...it starts with a li'l subtle pose like this one!

And then the hand goes higher up with the same pose and blocks someone else's face

And now it's becoming a li'l more obvious!

And here comes with both hands tangled with that 3 finger sign. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT??

And this is my favorite. I was on a bench...trying to prove to my colleagues that I wasn't drunk by trying to walk in a straight line. Obviously I fell after 3 steps! Still managed to snap a shot though. Not bad, not bad!!

As for this one...I think I was caught in between two minds. I didn't know whether to flash the sign or not...so I put up my hand, and flashed the fingers halfway!

Sighh...even when I'm not looking at the camera, my signature pose presents itself!

Oops, what happened to my pinky?

Okay okay...I see where u're getting at...maybe they're just coincidences, and you might think that it's totally planned. Let me assure you of the originality of this pose by showing the next and final picture!






This picture was taken 3 years ago when we were in Kudat!! 3 years ago baby...I can't be makin' this up, can I????

I can't believe that after so many years, I've only just realized that I have a signature pose! LOLZ...!! I've never really noticed it...coz I really have no frickin' idea. HAVE YOU ALWAYS KNOWN THAT I MAKE THIS POSE WHENEVER I'M IN A PICTURE, AND NOT TELL ME ABOUT IT????!!!

Sighh...I think I'm running out of ideas about this blog thing that I'm starting to post crappy and lame topics....like this one! Anyhoo...I'm gonna have to go now! Later, ppl!!


BrokenSatellite said...

i awez do the peace sign veron!
i think its a bad bad bad bad habit.

if i see a camera, my fingers will automatically do the peace sign! -,-